Personal Growth

When a person has achieved success only to fall from grace, in most cases, a privileged attitude and fixed mindset are to blame. The athlete who wins the championship and then stops showing up early to practice. The school teacher gets tenure and then stops spending extra time with her students. The sales rep that reaches 300% of plan and then stops cold calling.

As you accomplish goals and achieve success, it will be easy to get lazy and complacent. Know that there are always opportunities to learn and get better. Here are some things you can do to keep a growth mindset and continue being successful.

Positive Input. I’ve found incredible inspiration from podcasts, books, blogs, and courses. While I’m engaged in this activity, I feel good. The feeling carries me throughout the day. There was a stretch of time when I was in a “mood” and feeling discouraged. I started thinking about better times. I asked myself, what is different now compared to when I felt good? I realized that I had stopped the positive input. Once I started listening & reading again, the “mood” went away.

  • Podcasts – Michael Hyatt, Ed Mylett, Advanced Selling
  • Books – Mindset, The Power of Positive Thinking, 4-Hour Workweek
  • Blogs – MBG, Becoming Minimalist, Entrepreneur
  • Courses – Free to Focus, Best Year Ever, The Power of Body Language

Avoid Negative People. Negativity is an energy drainer. Some people will try to make you just as miserable as they are. Avoid getting sucked into their nonsense, especially before customer meetings or important sales calls.

  • Respond by ignoring it or saying, “You may be right” or “That’s one way of looking at it.”
  • Don’t participate in gossip. 
  • If possible, try to help them. They may not realize they’re being negative.
  • If you’ve exhausted all efforts, move on, and don’t spend time with them.

Maximize What You’re Good At. What are your natural gifts? I’ve always been great at organizing. Growing up, when the other kids would get in trouble for having a messy room, my room was in perfect order, right down to my sock drawer. I’ve used my natural organizing skills to be successful in my business.

  • Identify and focus on your “thing.”
  • Learn more about it. Take courses, read books, watch videos, etc.
  • Do it often. Practice makes perfect. Become an expert. Be obsessed.
  • If you get bored, think about what’s motivating you.

Minimize What You’re Bad At. I’m not good at networking events. I’m kind of introverted, so being around a group of strangers can be draining for me. I’ll attend an event if I must, but I know it’s not my strong suit. Here’s what I do.

  • Leverage the abilities of other team members.
  • Make up for it by improving what you’re good at.
  • Be honest. If you’re asked to work on a spreadsheet and you’re not good at spreadsheets, it’s okay to say spreadsheets aren’t your thing.
  • Do it anyway. Get out of your comfort zone. This is where real growth happens.

“You can thank your failures for your success.”  – Michael Tattersall

Every day is a growth opportunity day. Whether you’re succeeding or failing, there’s always room for growth. Celebrate your success. Keep track of your progress and achievements. However, don’t live in the past. Keep your thoughts on the present, with your eye on the future.

Mindset – Growth

You can thank your failures for your success. Articulating the value that I bring to a customer is a learned skill for me. I’m not a natural talker. I don’t have the gift of gab. However, I’ve become good at it by learning from my failures, observing other successful people, and becoming a student of sales.

Nutrition – Berries

Berries are full of age-defying antioxidants. An example of oxidation is what happens to a sliced apple after it’s been exposed to air for a while. Berries help prevent oxidation from happening in our bodies. They’re also a good source of fiber and vitamins. Berries can be a part of nearly any type of diet.

Essential Oils – Cinnamon

Like berries, Cinnamon is high in antioxidants. It is also anti-microbial, immunity-boosting, and can balance blood sugar to avoid brain fog. An excellent choice for fighting infections like a sore throat, cinnamon essential oil should be in your medicine cabinet at all times. Always use high-quality organic cinnamon oil and only use it internally if the bottle is labeled as a dietary supplement.

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