Create a Partnership

Now it’s time for you and your new customer to reap the rewards of hard work. The customer has selected you because they trust you to deliver an outstanding experience. I want you to make the experience even better than you told them it would be.

Internal Preparation

Schedule time to bring your team up to speed. Create a workflow that others can follow to provide a roadmap of how you envision the relationship, the next steps, expectations, commitments, etc.

Introducing Team Members

If your company has a traditional hunter/farmer sales structure, there will come a time when you move on, and the account management team takes full control. In my business, this usually happens about three months after the implementation process is complete. At the first implementation meeting, we begin the process of transitioning the relationship to the account management team.

When you introduce the team member that is going to take your place as the main point of contact, the customer may start to feel separation anxiety from you. Explain the roles and responsibilities of your team and make it clear that the account manager is your equal.

Stay Close

During and after the implementation process, stay close to the customer. Make sure they’re happy. Check-in from time to time to make sure they feel your company is exceeding their expectations. Continue to help them. You will feel more fulfilled with your work when you help others. You will also establish a reputation as a person that is reliable and trustworthy.

“Make the experience even better than you told them it would be.” – Michael Tattersall

Don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments. Too often, we move on to the next set of challenges and don’t take the time to celebrate. Find a unique way to thank the customer for their business and praise the team of people that helped you win the account.

Mindset – Grateful

There’s never a wrong time to be grateful. Now is the time to reflect on the ups and downs of the process and enjoy the outcome. You’ve earned this, but you are also blessed to have the opportunity.

Nutrition – Dessert

Reward yourself with your favorite dessert. My favorite is two scoops of organic mint chocolate chip ice cream or a chocolate protein smoothie from Green Life Market.

Essential Oils – Orange & Clove

When I think of being in a festive mood, I think of the holiday season. I love to diffuse a blend of orange and clove oil during this time of year. Research shows that orange oil is uplifting, and both oils are a powerful immune system enhancer.

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