Five Steps to Prepare for a New Prospect Meeting

Being prepared for a meeting is essential to a successful outcome. It will give you the confidence to have a genuine and relaxed conversation.


Whether or not you make a positive impression in a new prospect meeting depends on many things; however, not being prepared will undoubtedly make a negative impression.

The following 5 steps will help prepare you for the meeting. Click on the links for all the details.

Step 1: Research the Prospect

Step 2: Be Clear on the Objectives

Step 3: Develop a Strategy to Achieve your Objectives

Step 4: Practice and Visualize

Step 5: Plan for the Unexpected

Mindset – Visionary

As you will see in Step 4, I like to visualize the meeting and the desired outcome. Many of the world’s most successful people say that before they were successful, they would picture themselves being successful.

Nutrition – Green Tea

Among the many benefits of green tea are improved memory and lower blood pressure. I make mine with matcha tea, raw honey, and coconut milk. It reminds me of a Starbucks matcha latte, without the harmful effects of genetically modified sugar and conventional dairy.

Essential Oils – Rosemary

Rosemary oil helps to improve memory. While you’re preparing for a meeting, you will think of important things to say to the prospect. If you inhale rosemary oil while preparing for the meeting, then inhale again before heading into the meeting, it will trigger your memory. You’re less likely to forget what you wanted to say.

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